Monday, March 26, 2012

She, who walks among the dead

She, who walks among the dead

Mixed media on panel
16" x 20"


"Inner Self-Portrait" group show, 2012 
Price TBA

sailing through the depths of a blue hope
she moves across vague oceans
in nudity, darkness, divinity,
communing with demons and serpents,
sleeping with angels and devas,
grabbing words brought from the invisible.
heart is the same that sees through the mists,
guiding bare steps through the inner abyss.

she is Persephone in the Underworld, dying and being reborn a thousand times,
bringing the hope of a million Springs and the interlude of Winters.
fingers that touched the dead, may they now awake the living.
from loneliness, may them bring out the light of a gentle alchemy
may flowers arise from broken dreams
may birds sing above the solitude of sins
may she, once more, reinvent herself from her own mortality.


Navegando através das profundezas de uma esperanca azul
ela se move través de vagos oceanos
em nudez, escuridão, divindade,
em comunhão com demônios e serpentes,
dormingdo com anjos e devas,
agarrando palavras trazidas do invisível.
o coração é o mesmo que enxerga através das brumas
guiando passos nus através do abismo interior.

ela é Persephone no mundo subterrâneo,
morrendo e renascendo mil vezes,
trazendo a esperança das Primaveras e o interlúdio dos Invernos.
dedos que tocam os mortos, possam agora acordar os vivos.
da solidão, possam eles trazer a luz de uma alquimia branda
possam flores surgir de sonhos despedaçados
possam pássaros cantar acima da solidão dos pecados
possa ela, uma vez mais, se reinventar de sua própria mortalidade.

caminho em solidao atraves de oceanos vagos
em nudez, olhos vendadados, tocando o vento,
agarrando palavras trazidas de lugar nenhum.
apenas o coração, enxergando atraves da bruma, guia-me os passos nus.
sou Persephone no Hades, morrendo e renascendo mil vezes,
trazendo em si a esperança de milhoes de primaveras e o descansar de invernos.
dedos que tocaram os mortos, que agora acordem os vivos
que façam renascer das cinzas da incerteza a luz de uma alquimia branda
que flores brotem dos sonhos despedacados
que passaros cantem sobre a solidao da neblina
que eu possa, mais uma vez, metamorfosear-me sobre as cinzas de mim.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Inner Self Portrait Show

i am honored by being invited as part of one more exhibition of The Forgotten Goddess project. the show, called Inner Self Portrait, will display artworks from victims of domestic violence alongside other women artists from all over the world. the proceeds will benefit Haven Hills, California company that provides shelter and support for victims of domestic violence.

i consider myself a person of so many facets that is quite difficult to paint a self portrait that would involve everything i would like to express. to paint my "inner self portrait" at this moment, i focused in how the recent events of my life have been stripped me of so many things, both positive and negative. although i feel unprotected and vulnerable, i also feel i have been more human than ever, without masks or stratagems. i am naked and blindfolded, being guided uniquely by my heart's vision and light, embracing my "deaths" as opportunities to fly and transmuting all with my right hand, in visions of beauty through this blessing called ART.

the progress:

The beginning. Blindfolded. Boobie. Hair. Heart. Getting there...

Monday, March 19, 2012


i was interviewed by two awesome websites last week.

Creatrix, new blog of my friend and artist Tammy Mae Moon, is a site focused on the experience of being an artist and a mother. if the life of an artist has its own challenges, when you have a walking masterpiece around things can get a little more hectic. a new artist will be featured every week to share her experience on the subject.

XLegion is an art project that explores the dark side in art  (probably the first folks to openly recognize that my art has a dark side, which i intend to explore more in the future) and has some of the best content i've seen on the web. the site has versions in several different languages. my interview can be read here.

there are lots going on and lots to tell, and a need to keep this space updated more regularly. :(


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