Sunday, August 1, 2010

in Progress: Lady of the Serpents (or Self-Portrait with Serpents)

Another self portrait. No, I am not obsessed with my own image (although I am a Leo rising), I am just the easiest and cheapest model I can find. ;) Actually this portrait has a good reason to be. It is the development of a dream I had, 2 nights before turning 40. A friend of mine suggested me to paint the dream, and here it is. I'll talk more about the dream as the work progresses.

in progress: Lady of the Serpents [first attempt]

This is the first version. The detail is cool, but the vision of the whole seemed a little overwhelming to me, so I decided to redo it. It took me a little training to get adapted to how the acrylics behave on gessoed masonite. I am a little spoiled by the absorbency of the paperboard and had a bit of a hard time trying to get the glazes to have the same transparency on the board surface.

Second version so far is looking like this:

in progress: Lady of the Serpents

in progress: Lady of the Serpents

in progress: Lady of the Serpents

in progress: Lady of the Serpents

in progress: Lady of the Serpents


Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

WOW incredible work I love it:)

Jasmine said...

If all our dreams were this pretty we would never want to wake up :) Good to see more of your work. Belated birthday greetings x

A mermaid in the attic said...

Beautiful, Patricia!

Janine said...

I love it! You make me think that maybe I should paint myself as I would like to see myself! Thank you for sharing!

Tammie Lee said...

amazing dream.... at least the peak you have given us. I love her eyes, you are a wonderful model~

Chic de Cru said...

Your art is definitely from the depths of the human mass consciousness and higher consciousness. Archetypal and it brings us all inward. Deeper and deeper to re-member where we all come from and where we are going. It makes us connect on a deeper level than the mundane often does not that the mundane doesn't have a mystery as well if we look deep enough. But I keep coming back and I am glad I found you on fb.
Charlotte Phillips


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