I have recently signed with the liberal organization Political Loudmouth granting them rights of reproduction of the four images of my Materia Series in posters and merchandise. PL is a non profit group that battles for liberal causes, like gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, planned parenthood, and other important causes that you are likely to embrace if you want a more egalitarian world. More recently they have established a crusade against what is being called here in US the "war on women": a group of right wing politicians determined in doing a few sweet things like controlling reproductive rights, cutting women's access to cancer screenings, suspending nutritional support for newborn babies, reducing funds for children's' preschool care, and others. The intention: to force women back to the domestic sphere. Unable to control their fertility and forced to stay home to care for their children, women would leave the workforce, reducing competition with men. More: they would be encouraged to marry earlier and reproducing more, thus realizing a "racial reclaiming" of the nation, while children to immigrant mothers (like me) would lose their birthright citizenship. Something reminding you of some sad events from the first decade of the last century?
The first image has been released and can be downloaded for free here. The responses have been awesome some far. Can't wait to see the next posters.
gorgeous art for a great cause. thank you for supporting the knowledge of what is going on and in a beautiful way.
thank you, Tammie. in fact the merit goes for Political Loudmouth and their sharp, smarts campaigns. I am very happy for being a part of that. :)
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