like a good Moon in Scorpio, i've been always drawn to the underworld folks. i love drawing Liliths; this is my 3rd one, and it's the most intense and mature. my understanding of this goddess came a long way, and lately she's been blossoming inside myself with great intensity. there is a Lilith inside every woman, but our feminine unconscious has been so mashed up for so many centuries by the patriarchal mentality that we ended up suffocating that powerful, independent woman inside us. even without realizing it, many of us still believe that we are evil. that good girls don't do certain things. that we need to put a mask (usually with plenty of make-up and botox) to be "right" and acceptable. this is why my new Lilith holds a cracked mask: because it's time for us to reject those roles and become ourselves, whatever is our appearance, tastes, sexuality, and life styles.
this Lilith was made about 14 or 15 (?) years ago... i was a graduate in fashion design and all my figures used to have this sort of "modelesque" presentation. the "Klimtian" style was already manifesting.
1 comment:
Great read tthankyou
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