Friday, February 25, 2011

slowly but surely

the last weeks have found me very prolific, although i have been doing things in a very chaotic manner. i have been dedicating good part of my time to my art direction work for the lingerie company, which is bringing me great satisfaction and excitement. it is bothering me that i am not really seeing a lot of my independent production finished, and my online presence is being sort of neglected lately. i really apologize for all the unanswered emails, messages and comments. the day is just too short, the energy runs out sooner that desired and my time on the computer really has to be limited to what really matters (my migraines have killed me). as soon as i can afford it i need to hire an assistant. my slow rhythm and inability to get organized is not really being compatible with all the stuff i need to accomplish and to the very rhythm of my own muses.

so lately i have been doing these...

The Travelers

The Travelers, acrylics and pencil on masonite board. this work is going very, very slowly. i am experimenting, savoring the work, living every second of it since there is a lot of emotional involvement. not sure if it is going for sale either. my heart is in it.

Sunny [illustration]

Sunny, pencil on bristol board. more experimentation on new languages of illustration.

Changing Woman - 2nd version

Changing Woman, illustration for the project of the same name. this is the second version, and i am happier; probably going to stick with it. this is a project i have been growing inside me for a while and giving birth slowly. going to tell more about it soon!


Tammie Lee said...

each one is quite wonderful
i love seeing what you are up to
and yes
life can be too full to answer emails!

MoonSpiral said...

I love the direction your work is going, all that hair...I adore that! Sorry about your migraines. I think the allergies have hit early for me this year, I have been having a lot of sinus headaches. But part of me wonders about the spiritual significance of these Zeus birthing Athena, like the creative energy is bursting to get out. What do you think?

Beth Niquette said...

Hello there! I found you via Skylar--what incredible artwork you have here.

Your art fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

I would like to feature your artwork and blog on next week's FAT (Featured Art Tuesday) Tuesday Artist Spotlight.

To see this week's featured artists, visit my blog

I am just stunned by the beauty of your artwork--everyone should see what you do.

Patricia Ariel said...

hi Beth, thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet words! it would really be a honor for me to be featured on your site. if there's something i can help please let me know. :)

Patricia Ariel said...

@ Tammie: i am an email hoarder. i am the type who keeps emails for a more careful reading later, or for affective reasons, or whatever... my inbox ends up cluttered in no time, emails that need response get forgotten, it is an insane mess. work always will come first, what makes the mess even crazier because it builds up. sometimes i just feel like deleting everything and forget. my biggest dream of consumption nowadays is an assistant :(

@Tammy: i hope by now you are much much better, dear! i've had migraines since i was 12. they used to be pretty violent then, i missed classes and spent many hours in bed and darkness and throwing up like crazy. with time they got way better, and i observed that it coincided with a growing sense of liberation, emotional issues getting fixed, and an evolution in my creative process. so, i think your comparison is beautiful and makes a lot of sense. but don't forget the physical causes! (Athena is one of my personal goddesses by the way.)

Poetic Artist said...

Your artwork is so breath taking.

Beth Niquette said...

OOooh, my goodness! Ariel--we are so much alike! lol

I have featured your exquisite artwork and blog today at

My dear girl--you are AMAZING! You inspire me. Thank you for sharing your charming artwork here.


Beth Niquette said...

Hey! I see here that you are friends with my dear Tammie! Well, I am not surprised. Tammie is a dear friend. I have migraines, too.

Have a lovely week, my dear!

Anonymous said...

Beth is right ... your work is exquisitely stunning. I can tell that you put your heart and soul into what you do.

Unknown said...

Your art is so rich and magical. I've linked to you in my blog (let me know if this isn't ok.)
I love your work :)

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